
Why World Vision is in Bangladesh

Bangladesh experienced major successes in national infrastructure, but natural disasters last year caused challenges throughout the country. Heavy rains and flooding were the worst in 122 years for some regions. Returning spikes of COVID-19 cases caused schools to shut down in February of 2022, and then flooding hit, further challenging children’s ability to return to school.

The heavy rains affected 7.2 million people, displacing them from their homes and restricting access to healthcare facilities. Cyclone Sitrang hit in October of 2022, forcing 1 million people to evacuate. Tragically, 20,000 homes were damaged and many healthcare facilities sustained damage.

In response to the flooding, World Vision reached 164,330 people with emergency aid. Over 12,000 people are now being empowered through climate-smart practices in agriculture to prevent as much damage in future disasters. World Vision staff also distributed hygiene kits, supported road and bridge repairs, and sent water tanks and lifeboats to ensure children had the ability to return to school. Additionally, we continued empowering vulnerable children and families through economic empowerment, child protection, education, clean water access, gender equality training, and more.

We never give up on people

World Vision child sponsorship looks at all the things that prevent children from surviving and thriving in their community, and then works with that community to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together to build a better life for all children. For sponsors, it’s a personal way to show God’s love to a child in need in a life-changing way.

Sponsor a child in Bangladesh ❯

Bangladesh Economic Dev
Bangladesh Health
Bangladesh Child Protection

Prayer Requests from Bangladesh

World Vision's staff in Bangladesh are asking us to join them in prayer for the following:

  • For vulnerable areas to be protected from the upcoming monsoon season.


  • For children vulnerable to child marriage and other child protection issues, as this has become a major issue since the pandemic began.


News from Bangladesh

From the Field

What is a refugee?

The number of refugees globally has reached 43.4 million, and their needs have never been greater, not only for the basic necessities of life, but also for hope and opportunities to be self-sufficient. Explore the challenges faced by refugees and find out more about the global refugee crisis.


Matthew 25: Prayer for children’s protection

Child labor and exploitation, female genital mutilation (FGM), and human trafficking are among the greatest evils in the world. Pray with us for an end to all harm against children and for World Vision’s work to protect children.