
Hope in hard places: Prayer for Syria

Pray for Syria, whose people are enduring their 11th year of civil war.

As of November 2024, about 7.2 million people are internally displaced within Syria, and 6.3 million have fled to neighboring countries as refugees. Syrians desperately hope for peace. Children shouldn’t have to grow up in a war zone or as refugees. Join us in prayer for Syria, whose people are enduring escalated violence and their 13th year of conflict and displacement.

Just shy of her 12th birthday, Ola was forced to abandon her home in war-torn Syria. Her evening of studying for school exams turned into a difficult and dangerous journey of survival for her family as they escaped their homeland to cross into Jordan.

Now, Ola and her family live in Azraq refugee camp in Jordan. Eight siblings share cramped quarters. She says they’re stressed and depressed and have nowhere to go.

“If there was no war, we would be safe. We would enjoy our life and feel as normal people,” says Ola, now 17.

For Ola, life took an unpredictable turn. The fear of violence — be it physical, emotional, or verbal — is always there, making her unable to regain a sense of peace and security.

Her father’s unable to find work. The loss of income is a tremendous burden on the family, and they struggle in their day-to-day routines.

(Ola’s story is from 2021)

Pray for lifesaving assistance and newfound hope for Syrian refugees.

Syrian families have been uprooted from their homes by the fighting, finding themselves displaced in their own country or fleeing to neighboring countries for safety.

Many Syrians lived comfortable, middle-class lives before they left. But when families flee in the middle of bombings and other violence, they don’t have the luxury of taking all their possessions. They arrive at refugee camps lacking clothes, shoes, food, water, toiletries, blankets, and even their government-issued identification papers, which makes it even more challenging to get assistance. They often have nothing to help them survive.

For Syrians who’ve fled their homes as refugees, it’s hard to make a life and a future for their children. They’re far from home, with many living in tent settlements, camps, and abandoned buildings. They depend on aid. World Vision and other humanitarian organizations help by providing personal and household supplies, tents, hygiene kits, food, clean water, and sanitation facilities.  But the needs outstrip the funds.

God, You are the Great Provider. You see Syrians’ needs with a tender heart. Just as You sustained the Israelites in the desert and fed 5,000 men (plus women and children!) with just a few loaves and fish, help Syrians get exactly what they need each day to survive. Comfort them as they struggle, and nourish their souls with renewed hope each morning. Guide them to places where they can find help and rest.

Pray for continued faith for the people of Syria.

There are many ancient Christian communities in this region going back to New Testament times. Saul was helped by Christians in Damascus after his encounter with the ascended Christ (Acts 9). These communities today have requested prayer that they may stay strong in faith.

Lord, we lift to You our brothers and sisters in Christ living in this region. Strengthen them with power through the Spirit (Ephesians 3:16). And help them to endure and remain faithful, knowing that nothing can separate them from Your love.

Pray for children’s protection.

Syrian children face many safety and wellness issues. They’re especially susceptible to malnutrition, dehydration, and diarrheal diseases. Because of the Syrian health system’s deterioration, many have not been immunized or kept current on vaccinations, and outbreaks of measles and polio have occurred both in Syria and in refugee camps. Due to the nature of living in chaotic, overcrowded, and unfamiliar situations, children also are more vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation.

Many children must work, which leaves them open to other dangers. Without income, parents may marry their daughters off while still children. World Vision operates Child-Friendly Spaces in Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan. The spaces provide a safe place for children to learn, play, and process the emotions of what they’ve experienced. And World Vision staff members don’t hesitate to visit parents if their children don’t show up, providing accountability to help ensure that kids are safe.

Jesus, You love the little children. Each Syrian child is precious to You. Protect them from dangerous diseases, and heal those already sick. Keep away predatory adults who are looking to harm or profit from them. Bring loving adults to watch and nurture children as they survive the harsh realities in which they live.

Pray for education for the children of Syria.

Many refugee families can’t afford rent, let alone school fees, uniforms, and books. If lucky enough to attend school, child refugees often find it difficult to enroll and participate in classes that aren’t in their native language. Meanwhile, millions of children in Syria can’t attend class because schools are in ruins, teachers are missing or deceased, and security is a concern. The education of an entire generation of Syrians is at risk.

Lord, our hearts ache for these little ones who can’t go to school. Provide resources to refugee families in miraculous ways so children can get a quality education. For children in Syrian schools, place Your hand of protection over them as they try to learn. Maintain the will and plans of adults who are working to help educate Syrian children.

Pray that people worldwide will respond to this humanitarian crisis.

Now in its 13th year, the war in Syria and the chaos it has bred are background noise to many people — even those who consider themselves compassionate. The political ramifications of the conflict keep many caring individuals at a comfortable distance. But there’s an urgent need for governments to allocate funds to meet this humanitarian emergency, for churches to raise a cry of prayer and support for people in desperate circumstances, and for all of us to find a way to engage meaningfully for the sake of Syrian children and their families.

Eyad, a mechanical engineer turned aid worker, dodges airstrikes and organizes work crews to bring clean water to families in Syria. “You have no idea how hard it is for me to see my people living in tents,” he says. But Eyad refuses to give in to despair. What gives him hope is “seeing people from all over the world caring enough to help.”

Gracious Lord, awaken us to the needs of Syrian children and their mothers and fathers. Let us not grow weary in doing what is right and good in Your eyes. Remind us to engage on their behalf as we would if it were our own families who were suffering. Help us be advocates for peace in this troubled land, and open our hearts to pray and wallets to give gifts to help.

“Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.”—Exodus 22:21 (NIV)


Denise C. Koenig and Sevil Omer of World Vision’s U.S. staff contributed to this prayer guide.

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