News & Stories

Child Sponsorship

From the Field

Global poverty: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Poverty remains one of the most pressing challenges in our world, with nearly 9% of the global population living on less than $2.15 per day. Read to find answers to your questions about poverty, learn about how we define poverty, find out what World Vision is doing to help end extreme poverty worldwide, and learn how you can help.

Change Makers

How does child sponsorship build better futures?

Explore how sponsoring a child through World Vision helps empower entire communities for lasting change, and discover how you can help equip families with tools they need to overcome poverty and experience fuller lives.

When you sponsor a child through World Vision, you join a movement of 604,000 people in the United States who give up about $1.30 a day to impact a child for a lifetime. World Vision child sponsorship is Christ-centered, child-focused, and community-based. We’re serious when we say that for every child sponsored, four more experience the benefits.

From the Field

Former sponsored child now works as a lawyer in Bangladesh

Kalpana grew up in poverty in Bangladesh, and her family was often avoided because people knew they would ask for help. But thanks to World Vision’s child sponsorship program, Kalpana was able to get an education and support she needed through communitywide programs. Today, she works as a lawyer, helping vulnerable women and children, and she and her family are respected in their community.

From the Field

Photos: Christmas around the world

Through sponsorship, children around the world feel the hope of Jesus during the Christmas season, though the holiday manifests in various ways around the world. In this collection of photos from nine different countries, we honor each of these children and their Christmas experiences.