
Why World Vision is in Ghana

Throughout 2022, the people of Ghana faced many challenges and hardships. Widespread economic instability, regional conflict, and other disasters have been the backdrop of this challenging year.

Rising inflation negatively impacted the cost of living, fuel prices, and income of working-class citizens. Additionally, regional conflicts in the northeast as well as instability in neighboring countries produced an influx of refugees. This displaced over 1,000 people from their homes — 60% of whom were children. One community was further impacted by an explosion that took the lives of many children and families.

To combat these challenges, our staff in Ghana worked closely with community organizations as they provided the needed resources for these affected Ghanaian communities. Staff stepped in to provide practical educational resources for 500 children following the explosion that destroyed their community. We equipped over 85,000 men, women, and children with clean water and sanitation services in the northeastern region. This, along with sanitation and hygiene services, food, healthcare facilities, and more assisted the many refugees and displaced families in need. Throughout the areas we work, families are being empowered to lift themselves out of poverty with agricultural and financial training and resources.

We never give up on people

World Vision child sponsorship looks at all the things that prevent children from surviving and thriving in their community, and then works with that community to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together to build a better life for all children. For sponsors, it’s a personal way to show God’s love to a child in need in a life-changing way.

Sponsor a child in Ghana ❯

Ghana Education
Ghana Faith
Ghana EconomicDevelopment

Prayer Requests from Ghana

World Vision's staff in Ghana are asking us to join them in prayer for the following:

  • For peace in the regions where conflict continues.


  • For restoration of physical property as well as hope for people who have been affected by natural disasters and conflict.


News from Ghana


A renewed call to care for the poor

Steve Poe, senior pastor at Northview Church in Indiana, shares how Christians should always be ready to respond to the needs of the poor, how Paul demonstrated that in his missionary journeys, and how Steve’s church is doing that.