
Why World Vision is in Lesotho

Lesotho faces multifaceted challenges including political instability, health issues, food insecurity, extreme weather impacts, and societal conflicts.

Political stability remains elusive with frequent changes hindering the legislative progress. Health challenges, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, highlight the need for improved healthcare infrastructure and access. Food insecurity and malnutrition persist, particularly among children and pregnant women, due to limited access to nutritious food and inadequate healthcare services. Extreme weather threatens agricultural livelihoods, leading to more food insecurity and water scarcity. Additionally, issues such as gender-based violence and regional conflicts further strain societal cohesion and stability.

In response, World Vision is addressing these challenges through comprehensive programs to empower communities. We are reaching vulnerable families with essential healthcare services, promoting hygiene practices, and offering nutritional support. Livelihood and resilience initiatives are equipping communities to adapt to weather extremes through sustainable agriculture and disaster preparedness measures. Programs also focus on hygiene support for girls, community conflict resolution, and gender-based violence prevention. Through advocacy efforts, we are lobbying for policy reforms to address systemic issues and ensure the rights and well-being of vulnerable populations.

We never give up on people

World Vision child sponsorship looks at all the things that prevent children from surviving and thriving in their community, and then works with that community to bring all the pieces of the puzzle together to build a better life for all children. For sponsors, it’s a personal way to show God’s love to a child in need in a life-changing way.

Sponsor a child in Lesotho ❯

Lesotho Faith
Lesotho Health
Lesotho Economic Dev

Prayer Requests from Lesotho

World Vision's staff in Lesotho are asking us to join them in prayer for the following:

  • For the health and well-being of children suffering from malnutrition.


  • For a violence-free environment where children can grow up safe, protected, and loved.


News from Lesotho