
Shine bright

she he a child the world

needs you


Shine Bright

the world

needs you

Hi, I’m Beauty!
I’m almost one-and-a-half and I live in Zambia. My older brother, Chansa, is sponsored.

Hi, I’m Beauty! I’m almost one-and-a-half and I live in Zambia. My older brother, Chansa, is sponsored.

sponsor a child

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Give a gift.
Change a life.


Hope Bracelet
by Patricia Heaton

Sponsor A Child

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Give a gift.
Change a life.


Hope Bracelet
by Patricia Heaton

sponsor a child

Hope Bracelet
by Patricia Heaton

What’s Happening in World News

News of big needs and great hope. Fair warning, we’re pretty biased towards hope.

Special Features

Uprooted: A gallery of global displacement

Join us in observing World Refugee Day on June 20 with a journey through photos honoring children and families affected by forced displacement worldwide. This virtual exhibition, featuring powerful still images by World Vision photographers and partners, offers a poignant glimpse into the struggles of displaced people while showcasing some of the ways World Vision has come alongside them to show God’s love in their time of need.


5 ways to pray for lasting change

In so many areas of life — personal, social, political — transformation can be a long and sometimes arduous journey, punctuated by unexpected setbacks. But our faith tells us that God works through even the messiest of processes to make all things new — including our very selves. Whether you’re longing for change in your own life, in the life of a loved one, or in the world more broadly, prayer is one way in which you can be part of the transformative work God is doing. Here are a few ideas to get you started — and keep you going — as you pray for lasting change.

From the Field

From disaster response to partnership for lasting change

As global disasters and humanitarian crises persist, World Vision’s support for vulnerable communities extends far beyond immediate disaster response. Discover how our interventions and programs have opened the doors to long-term partnership with communities and helped empower children and families worldwide.