Your Gift of
Clean Water

Matched Dollar for Dollar

Your Gift of Clean Water

Matched Dollar for Dollar

Every child deserves clean water

There is a global water crisis affecting more than 1 in every 10 people. Children are suffering because they don’t have access to clean water in their communities. When they have no other option than to drink dirty water, the harmful bacteria makes them sick and every day children are losing their lives from diarrhea caused by contaminated water.

You can help respond to the water crisis – and stop the needless suffering of children – through your support of World Vision’s water programs. And thanks to a matching gift, your donation will be matched – dollar for dollar – to change the lives of more children and families.

Every child deserves clean water. There is a global water crisis affecting more than 1 in every 10 people. Children are suffering because they don’t have access to clean water in their communities. When they have no other option than to drink dirty water, the harmful bacteria makes them sick and every day children are losing their lives from diarrhea caused by contaminated water.

You can help respond to the water crisis – and stop the needless suffering of children – through your support of World Vision’s water programs. And thanks to a matching gift, your donation will be matched – dollar for dollar – to change the lives of more children and families.

Clean water is not only life-saving, but also life-changing. It enables children to attend school rather than spending hours collecting water each day. It increases crop yields and creates a sustainable source of income for families. And it also leads to healthier, happier lives.

  • $250 can provide a family of five with clean water.
  • $690 can provide hand-pump maintenance training and toolkits for three community volunteers.
  • $1,000 can provide a latrine to a school

Our plan is to reach 20 million people with clean water by 2020 and to reach everyone, everywhere we work, by 2030. With your partnership, we know it can happen.

Double your gift of clean water and make an even greater impact for kids.

Women and girls are responsible for getting water for household use. In this picture, a girl is on her way home after drawing water from a borehole.
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Isaac Buyinza, 6, WV Sponsored child (1581), collecting water at a community water tank in Kyabasiita, his village. The girl in a sweater with red sleeves and collar is Beth Ayebwa, 5. Both Isaac and Beth are in Baby Class in Lab Nursery and Primary School.   ADP Funding: WVUK
2015 Sesame Street Trip - Zambia