How Your Gifts Make an impact through World Vision
Spiritual nurture
We provide chances for kids to deepen their understanding of God’s love and equip parents and churches to foster their children’s spiritual growth. We promote peaceful resolution in conflict-affected communities, and build bridges with other faith leaders to support the well-being of all children.
Clean water
World Vision is the leading nongovernmental provider of clean water in the developing world. Along with providing sustainable access to clean water, we support sanitation improvements and healthy hygiene behaviors to save kids’ lives and help them thrive.
Mother and child health
Our caring staff help moms and kids around the world to experience better health and hope by delivering medicines, supplies, and training for moms and health workers to ensure safe pregnancy, address malnutrition, and treat and prevent illness.
Economic Empowerment
We provide financial services such as savings groups and small loans, train farmers in sustainable agriculture and help them access new markets, and equip small business owners to be risk-aware and resilient.
Child protection
By empowering children, strengthening families, mobilizing local leaders, and supporting good government policies, we help communities address the root causes of violence in the home, child labor, sex trafficking, and other atrocities against children.
To empower vulnerable kids to change their own futures, we focus on early childhood development, literacy, safe and equal access to schools, education in emergencies, and life skills and vocational training for teens.
Emergency relief
Our local staff and global experts help disaster-affected families get back on their feet with life-saving supplies and support and develop resilience to meet the next emergency.
Hunger and Food Security
We address root causes of hunger and food insecurity by meeting immediate food needs, equipping families with skills and resources to grow healthy, sustainable food, and educating parents on nutrition information for their kids.
Spiritual nurture
In our programs in Central America, 85% of children say they experience God’s love and almost 90% of children and youth are taking part in activities like Sunday school and youth ministry.
Clean water
World Vision is reaching one new person every 10 seconds and three more schools every day with clean water.
Mother and child health
Over a five-year period, 89% of the severely malnourished children we treated made a full recovery.
Economic Empowerment
Every 60 seconds, a family gets the tools to overcome poverty.
Child protection
More than 10 million children participated in protection activities like community awareness (thanks to the support of donors around the world in 2016¬–2017).
In Bangladesh, children’s reading comprehension was measured at 68% in schools using our literacy program, compared to 4% in schools without the program.
Emergency relief
We stand ready to protect children and families by delivering critical help within 24 to 72 hours of a disaster.
Hunger and Food Security
In just one year we helped feed children and families using $92.3 million in food grants, including 145,923 metric tons of food supplies.
Two powerful ways to create lasting change
When you donated through the Gift Catalog, you joined forces with World Vision’s community of sponsors and caring givers to make big things possible for kids. Learn how you can have an even greater impact by becoming a part of this community.
Child Sponsorship
With a $39 monthly gift, personal encouragement, and prayers, you can empower one child, and other vulnerable kids, to reach their God-given potential. And because of our community-focused solutions, for every child you help, four more children benefit, too. That means more vulnerable kids can become change makers in their families and communities!
World Vision Fund
By giving to the World Vision Fund, you will meet critical needs both today and tomorrow, helping people rebuild in the wake of disasters and empowering entire communities to tackle the big issues that keep them in poverty. You can make a one-time gift, or choose to give monthly to help more kids and families create change in their own lives!