We’ve all been there — agonizing over what to buy for the toughest names on our Christmas lists. It can be disheartening to spend hours earnestly searching for the perfect gift, only to come up short.
This Christmas, we make it easy for you to knock out all of your shopping in one fell swoop. Choose joy with presents that match the recipient’s personality — animals from the World Vision Gift Catalog. Honor the people in your life by donating farm animals in their names to help others in need. You simply can’t go wrong. So grab a pen and paper, sit back, and take notes. We’ve got you covered with feathered and furry farm animals sure to put a smile on the faces of even the toughest to buy for.

Your “hostess with the mostess” mother-in-law:
She’s a pro in the kitchen. An ace in the garden. And she always makes you feel at home. But let’s face it — your mother-in-law has everything! Just the thought of shopping for her is enough to rattle you. What can you possibly place under the tree for her that won’t end up getting returned after it’s unwrapped? Answer: a goat, bought in her honor for a woman in need. Goats give up to 16 cups of milk a day. Who knew! Even more, income from the sale of milk and offspring will help a widow or a single mother provide for her children. Your thoughtfulness will warm your mother-in-law’s heart — and at the same time it’ll let her know you admire her mad mom skills. Now that’s a win-win.

Md. Golam Ehsanul Habib)
Your fashionista boss:
Oh my, what a conundrum. You and your boss get along great, but you don’t have similar tastes. You share mutual respect, but not the same sense of style. How on earth can you find the right gift when you don’t have a clue as to what that would be? Yes, a “world’s greatest boss” mug is out of the question. No, a gift card won’t quite cut it. But fret no more, we’ve got your back. Donate five ducks and two chickens in their honor and help provide protein-packed eggs for families in need. Duck eggs provide 60% of a person’s daily vitamin B, while chickens can lay more than 300 eggs in a single year. That’s nutrition and income that multiplies, over and over again. Because no matter how different you are from your boss, you can both appreciate a gift that lasts!

The prankster in your life:
There’s no pun too corny for this person. Whether it’s a play on words, a joke that lasts far too long, or a prank that makes you cringe, the prankster never runs out of material. So what do you buy this quirky, loveable person whose whole aim is to make everyone happier? Why a sheep of course! Donate a healthy ewe in their honor, and you’ll be giving a family a half gallon of nutritious milk every day and plenty of wool to knit warm sweaters and blankets. This Christmas, say “bah humbug” to traditional presents and deliver joy instead — you’ll be the one making them smile for a change.

Your sporty best friend:
We all have that one person in our lives who accomplishes incredible things before we’ve even had breakfast. While we may view taking the dog out as “exercise,” they’re out conquering the world nearly every weekend. Scaling mountains in the snow? Check. Backpacking in the backcountry? Check. Ocean kayaking in the middle of a hurricane? Okay, they’re not quite that adventurous (or crazy!), but close. How can you buy the perfect gift to suit their independent, go-get-’em spirit that you admire so much? Give an alpaca — an animal known for its strong, warm wool — in their honor. Alpacas provide up to 10 pounds of valuable wool in one year, creating income for farming families for years to come. What a great way to inspire someone that constantly inspires you.

Your snuggle bunny:
We totally cheated with this one — we know it’s not hard to shop for your favorite person! It’s easy to shower them with things they love and to gift them with all that glitters and glows. But how about surprising them this Christmas with a present they never saw coming? Something that won’t break or go out of style or get old? Be bold and do the completely unexpected this season by donating a whole barn full of animals in their name. Give the life-changing gift of a pig, goat, four ducks, and 10 chickens for a family in need. Did you know that one sow can produce as many as 20 piglets? You’ll provide ample nutrition — including milk, eggs, meat, and more — and extra income for years to come. That’s a bounty with value you can’t even calculate. And that’s a gift your special someone will never, ever forget.