Chris Glynn
Senior Vice President, Transformational Engagement
Chris has a passion for empowering people to work together under the unifying influence of the Holy Spirit. His desire is to see God glorified by the joy his team experiences as they work as one body.
Chris joined World Vision in 2010 after 25 years of for-profit leadership roles in sales, operations, customer service, and strategic quality management. As the head of World Vision’s Transformational Engagement division, he leads fundraising teams dedicated to supporters including major donors, churches, Christian artists, corporations, and institutional foundations. These teams foster dynamic partnerships that result in significant investments of time, talent, and treasure that lead to transformation in donors’ lives as well as the lives of the children, families, and communities we serve together.
Chris has led two major capital campaigns aimed at helping to end extreme poverty in the name of Jesus. With the support of faithful World Vision donors and our dedicated staff, these campaigns have empowered over 100 million people with tools and resources to change their own lives and the futures of their families and communities.
“Each child, supporter, and staff member is uniquely made in the image of God, blessed with unique gifts, talents, and abilities by our Creator so they can glorify God and show His love to a broken world. A leader’s role is to see the uniqueness of each individual and create the environment where each person can see the value of others and work together for God’s glory.”
—Chris Glynn, Senior Vice President, Transformational Engagement
Chris holds a business administration degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an MBA from Eastern Michigan University. He serves on the board of directors of World Vision’s microfinance affiliate, VisionFund International.
Chris and his wife, Chris, live in Gig Harbor, Washington, and have two daughters.