, here’s an easy way to wish a Merry Christmas!
Hearing from you will mean the world to
As Christmas approaches, you have an easy way to share the hope and joy of Jesus’ birth with
Send a Christmas card today!
's Christmas card
Christmas cards encourage children
Share the joy of Christmas with your sponsored child by sending them a personalized card about Jesus’ birth. See the hope and happiness gifts give children.

I feel happy whenever I receive a card, it shows me that the sender cares for me much.
As my sponsor has sent me this card, I do pray for them to be safe in these times so they may send me another card.

I want to thank my sponsor for sending me this beautiful card.
I was so excited when my teacher told me that I had a card from my sponsor.

The way you write is so special, my friend, I do not know how to express my gratitude for you.
Thank you for giving me a present of a positive feeling and thank you for caring for me in every moment life brings.
Christmas cards offer hope and support community growth. They empower our children and their families.
You can send your sponsored child a Christmas card with an encouraging message.
Sorry, we stopped accepting requests to send Christmas cards.

World Vision’s Sponsorship Ministry Fund assists in meeting the needs of children and families who are waiting to be sponsored and helps World Vision to respond when disasters strike in sponsorship communities. Your extra gift will help provide children and families waiting for sponsorship with things like:
- Agricultural assistance with seeds, tools and skills training
- Access to clean water
- Education, skills and vocational training for children and families
- Economic development programs
- Emergency food, shelter and recovery assistance from disasters
- HIV and AIDS counseling and prevention training based on biblical values
- Christian witness and spiritual nurturing
And more!
Give a Special Gift
Your monthly donations and prayers for your sponsored child are such a generous gift! But what if you’d like to give a little extra so your child can enjoy a special surprise? In most sponsorship countries, you can give a Special Gift above and beyond your regular donation to provide extra things your child and their family need. Please note that all Special Gift donations must be a minimum of $100. To help ensure your gift goes as far as possible to help meet your sponsored child and their family’s unique needs, each Special Gift must be $100-$200. 25% of all gifts under $200 and any amount over $200 will go to help your child’s community.
Based on the needs of your sponsored child, our local staff will take your child and their family shopping to select things like school supplies, clothing, livestock, or something else they could really use. The entire community also can benefit from gifts like agricultural tools, building supplies, support for a local school or clinic, or a water tank.
A life-giving word of encouragement can do wonders to restore joy to the heart. —
Proverbs 12:25 (TPT)
Frequently asked questions
How do Christmas cards help empower my sponsored child and community?
Christmas cards help your sponsored child learn about God’s love for them. They’ll experience the bright colors and pictures and practice reading the words and the scripture. And because it comes from you, they’ll be reminded how much you care–which offers hope and joy this Christmas. When children are empowered to see their God-given potential and get sustainable access to essentials like clean water, food, education, healthcare, and more – the whole community benefits by overcoming poverty for good.
How does my gift to the Sponsorship Ministry Fund help?
Your gift in any amount assists in meeting the needs of children and families who are waiting to be sponsored and helps World Vision to respond when disasters strike in sponsorship communities. Your donation helps provide things like seeds, tools, and training, access to clean water, children’s education, skills and vocational training for parents, economic development programs, emergency food, shelter, and recovery assistance from disasters, Christian witness and spiritual nurturing, and more.
How Is my Special Gift used to help my child’s family and community?
Your monthly donations and prayers for your sponsored child are such a generous gift! But what if you’d like to give a little extra so your child can enjoy a special surprise? In most sponsorship countries, you can give a Special Gift above and beyond your regular donation to provide extra things your child and their family need. Please note that all Special Gift donations must be a minimum of $100. To help ensure your gift goes as far as possible to help meet your sponsored child and their family’s unique needs, each Special Gift must be $100-$200. 25% of all gifts under $200 and any amount over $200 will go to help your child’s community.
Based on the needs of your sponsored child, our local staff will take your child and their family shopping to select things like school supplies, clothing, livestock, or something else they could really use. The entire community also can benefit from gifts like agricultural tools, building supplies, support for a local school or clinic, or a water tank.
Can I see a copy of the Christmas card?
What will the message say to my sponsored child on my behalf?
The message to your sponsored child reads:
Dear 1
Merry Christmas from my family to yours! I hope you are doing well and enjoy this special story of Jesus’ birth. May you feel the love and joy of this Christmas season.
Blessings from the United States!
Will my extra gift appear on my giving statement?
Yes, any additional gifts you give will appear on your giving statement!
Can you tell me more about the shipping and handling?
Your extra gift of $9 helps cover the cost of overseas delivery of the Christmas card.