- Resolution condemns all forms of violence against children and youth while encouraging the development of a strategy for preventing,addressing and ending violence against children and youth around the world.
- Part of a multi-year advocacy effort led by the Ending Violence Against Children Taskforce, a group of international non-governmental organizations are committed to addressing physical and emotional violence around the world.

WASHINGTON, DC (March 3, 2020) — World Vision applauds the House of Representatives of their passage of H. Res. 230, The Ending Violence Against Children Resolution. The Christian humanitarian organization also recognizes the leadership of Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) for sponsoring this measure, as well as the support of 62 additional bipartisan cosponsors.
Written with input by the Taskforce to End Violence Against Children, which includes World Vision, ChildFund International, Futures Without Violence, Save the Children, and UNICEF USA, the resolution condemns all forms of violence against children and youth while encouraging the development of a strategy for preventing, addressing and ending violence against children and youth globally.
Mr. McGovern stated on the House floor, “Mr. Speaker, even though we have made great strides in identifying and addressing much of the violence that affects children and young people around the world, the sad reality is that violence against children is still pandemic. Every five minutes a child dies of violence. Half of all children, one billion, are victims of violence. Homicide is among the top five causes of death in adolescence. That is not just a shame, Mr. Speaker, that is absolutely unacceptable.”
Rep. John Curtis (R-UT) also rose to voice his support for the resolution, “Violence, exploitation, and abuse take many forms, and disproportionately affect children in the world’s most vulnerable populations including those in refugee settlements and conflict zones. These traumatic experiences have serious and long-lasting effects on children’s psychological, physical, and social development.”
For next steps, the bill moves to the Senate. World Vision calls on Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Jim Risch (R-ID) and Ranking Member Bob Menendez (D-NJ) to take up S. Res. 112, a companion resolution. Introduced by Senators Ben Cardin (D-MN) and John Boozman (R-AR) last March, passage of S.Res. 112 would demonstrate Congressional support for leadership and coordination across the US government on the issue of violence against children.
Representative McGovern also recognized World Vision and the Taskforce for its efforts. “I also want to thank the broad coalition of organizations that have worked so long in support of this resolution, in particular ChildFund, Save the Children, World Vision, Futures Without Violence, and UNICEF USA,” he said.
He ended his remarks by stating, “This resolution announces to the world that we are aware, that we do care and more importantly, we want our health and aid agencies to take action.”
World Vision continues to pursue legislative efforts to address all forms of violence as part of our deepening commitment to the most vulnerable children in accordance with our vision for life it all its fullness for every child.
About World Vision
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. For more information, please visit www.worldvision.org or follow on Twitter @WorldVisionUSA.