After two years under the rule of a harsh militant group, children and families are fleeing newly-liberated villages and towns near Mosul, Iraq. World Vision’s Child-Friendly Spaces in Zelican camp give them a chance to play and be kids again.
News & Stories
Iraq prayer points: Mosul offensive
Fighting is increasing around Mosul, Iraq, endangering more civilians. Pray with us for children, families, humanitarians, and leaders.
Ramping up the fight against Laos’ child killers: Decades-old bombs
Children in Laos are still at risk from bombs dropped on their country during the Vietnam War. Demining and mine awareness training save lives.
Malaria: Mosquitoes breed disaster in Burundi
A malaria outbreak in Burundi has resulted in twice as many cases of the disease this year and more deaths among children, including Julia’s beloved son.
Olympians meet inspiring Brazilian ‘sister’
While in Brazil, Olympian cyclists Annette and Alex Edmondson finally met Vanessa, the sponsored child whose life story they’ve followed for 10 years.
Fleeing conflict in South Sudan, refugees flood Uganda border
More than 37,000 people fled South Sudan for Uganda within three weeks, straining social services for refugee newcomers.
Childhood lost and found: Syrian refugee children reclaim their childhood
JULY 15, 2016, LEBANON — Syrian refugee children in Lebanon are haunted by their losses. But attending Child-Friendly Spaces and early childhood education centers give them a chance to heal and reclaim their childhood.
5 steps to revolutionize relationships
The fact that all people are created in God’s image is “a startling realization that calls us to reassess our relationships,” says Dr. Jayakumar Christian.
Love, loss, and the joy of fatherhood in a Syrian refugee camp
This Syrian father loves his kids so much. He’s sad to be raising his children in a refugee camp and wishes he could bring them home to a peaceful Syria.
Syrian refugee children: A story in 23 photos
If you could see through the eyes of a Syrian refugee child, what would life look like? See what life is like in a tent settlement in Lebanon.