News & Stories

Kari Costanza


Bringing happiness to a child named Happy

Many names help give meaning to a person’s life. For International Day of Happiness, we’re celebrating children around the world with the name Happy! Hear what makes some of our Happy-named staff happy, and see a fun way that you can bring a little happiness to the world today.

Change Makers

From Syria to Seattle: When worlds collide

They did not know each other, but simultaneously, their lives were plunging into an abyss. Seattle software programmer Cari Conklin was on a collision course with the Alhamdens, one of the millions of Syrian families caught in the crossfire of Syria’s civil war.


Nivesh begins to dream of water and beyond

Without clean water, you and your clothes stay dirty. Imagine being too ashamed to go to church. To school. Without hope or community around you. Nivesh is a girl whose dreams were dying before they ever had a chance. See how the promise of clean water is giving new life to her dreams!