News & Stories

Kari Costanza


Better health for women just like Jennifer

Due to fistula — an injury during childbirth that causes incontinence — Jennifer remained outside when she attended church, kneeling in the dirt to pray. Without improving health for women who don’t have proper care, issues like fistula can ruin their lives.

Special Features

From dependence to dignity

AUG. 1, 2014, TANZANIA — Start with an unpredictable climate. Add a portion of destructive cultural values. Stir in some fear. The result: a recipe for ruin. But World Vision has figured out how to reverse the course, leading entire communities of hardworking, God-gifted people from dependence to dignity.

Special Features

Rwanda: 20 years later

APRIL 1, 2014, RWANDA — In 1994, Rwanda was as ruined as any spot on earth after an implosion of violence killed 800,000 people in 100 days. How could the country ever overcome such hatred and horror? It would take a miracle. Through World Vision’s reconciliation programming, healing has given way to hope.


Child sacrifice: Protection through pierced ears in Uganda

In certain districts of Uganda, child sacrifice is a real danger. Today, Kari Costanza writes from Uganda about 3-year-old Sharon, whose pierced ears may protect her. Read how a World Vision-supported amber alert program is helping to recover children that have been taken.


World Malaria Day: The gossamer thread

This World Malaria Day, join World Vision in remembering the lives devastated by this preventable, treatable disease — and in our mission of eradicating it from the world. See the miraculous change a few square meters of netting brought about for a Mozambican family.