News & Stories

Laura Reinhardt

From the Field

Clean water through a turn of the tap

Water piped in from the mountains surrounding this community of Guatemala has made a big difference in the lives of families living here. Community access, plus partnership with the local government and World Vision, has meant families can quickly access clean water for drinking and daily chores with a simple turn of the tap.

From the Field

Equipping parents with support and supplies in the Bronx

World Vision supports the work of community-based organizations and churches across the United States. The money that groups like A House on Beekman in the South Bronx might’ve spent on supplies can now go to further their programs. The organization offers free educational programs and also distributes supplies that families need but might not be able to afford.

From the Field

A winning smile for chickens

Gift Catalog chickens have helped single mother Delmi care for herself and her 5-year-old son, Alvaro. Thanks to the extra money she earns by selling chickens and eggs at the local market, she can more easily afford the supplies he needs for his education.