Armenians traditionally bake these tahini rolls during their Lenten fast from animal products, but these delicious pastries can be enjoyed any time of year. They would make a very special treat for the Christmas season.
News & Stories
Hurricane Ida: Through the lens
World Vision partners with local churches when responding to natural disasters like Hurricane Ida to ensure that supplies reach the most vulnerable.
Husbands and fathers help create a culture shift
Men Care Groups are part of World Vision’s child protection work in India. By teaching men to treat their wives and daughters with more tenderness, World Vision helps them to create an environment less conducive to child trafficking.
From migrating to managing: Empowering a Honduran farmer
At 18, Jose Luis left his home and family to seek a brighter future elsewhere. Now he’s built a brighter future for himself, his community, and his son back in Honduras.
Much-needed PPE for Navajo Nation frontline workers
Jonathan Nez, Navajo Nation president, says the personal protective equipment donations for frontline workers are equipping them to do battle against the monster that is COVID-19, which has invaded their communities.
Raising up new leaders through the Global 6K for Water
Hear from a pastor about how he’s raising up new leaders and offering ways for active, life-changing, and multigenerational involvement in God’s work around the world through World Vision’s Global 6K.
Rwandan woman advocates for children’s education
Dativa never got to complete her education, but she made sure her own kids finished school. She also is raising a girl from the community to give her a chance at an education too.
Tackling big needs — one small step at a time
Pastor Helen Epps serves her Fort Worth, Texas, community by providing World Vision Family Emergency Kits to people who are struggling economically because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Seeking to serve: Child Ambassador Linnae Gomez
Having experienced hunger growing up, a World Vision Child Ambassador now uses her talents to fundraise for World Vision Family Emergency Kits to help feed hungry families in the United States.
From sorrow to servant
Pastor Fernandez’s past homelessness helps him understand what his parishioners and people in the surrounding community are going through as they face the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.