How often do you get the chance to read comic books at work? What about one that is centered around Jesus and the Christmas story — or one that benefits the work of an international humanitarian organization?
Not often? Or never? That’s why we’ve asked Billy Tucci, a new World Vision partner, writer, and award-winning comic book illustrator, to guest-post for us on his newest comic book, A Child is Born.
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“Dad, why do you want to do the birth of Jesus instead of a superhero book?”
My eldest son wasn’t the first person to ask why, in a genre dominated by capes and cowls, would anyone do a comic book on the Christmas story?
I’ve been very blessed to support my family by doing what I love for a living: writing, illustrating, and publishing comic books. To tell the Nativity story in comic book form has always been a dream for me, but what finally moved me to answer God’s call was my wife’s year-and-a-half struggle against breast cancer.
Walking beside her on the road to recovery made me realize how wonderful life, love, and family truly are — that, at this point in our lives, no work is more worthwhile than illustrating the story of Mary and Joseph.

A Child is Born released November 23, and the response has been incredible! People who’ve never stepped foot in a comic shop are emailing me, asking how to get copies. I’ve showed it to some local churches, and they were incredibly surprised and encouraged by the whole package.
We feel especially blessed for our relationship with World Vision, an organization whose commitment to the poor and oppressed offers a shining example of Christ’s unconditional love for people around the world.
So, why A Child Is Born? As I told my son, “Jesus is a superhero, William. The greatest superhero ever to walk the earth!”

Billy Tucci is an award-winning illustrator, writer, and filmmaker best known for his modern-day samurai fable, Shi. Through Tucci’s Crusade Fine Arts, the multi-Eisner Award-nominated Shi has been printed in five languages, sold more than 3 million comic books, and grossed over 25 million dollars worldwide. Tucci recently went “mainstream” with his hugely successful run on DC Comics’ Sgt. Rock: The Lost Battalion, Jonah Hex, and several other projects, including writing and illustrating the 2011 Eisner-nominated Batman – A Trick For The Scarecrow.
This Christmas, give A Child is Born to the comic book fanatic in your family!
See more Christmas gift ideas from World Vision partners: Holiday gift guide: 30 meaningful gifts under $50