News & Stories



My walk with World Vision to give water to the thirsty

The global water crisis is a silent killer that takes the lives of more children every year than HIV and malaria combined. More than 2,000 children die every day because of unclean water, poor hygiene, and lack of sanitation. But there is great hope. This is a crisis we know how to address.


Afghanistan: Worst place to be a mother

Western Afghanistan is a region with one of the highest under-5 mortality rates and where maternal death in childbirth is a serious concern. The 10×10 film “Girl Rising” shows how these issues affect women in Afghanistan and how education can help them.


‘Girl Rising’ film ditches convention to tell stories

The film “Girl Rising,” whose narrators include Meryl Streep, Kerry Washington, and Selena Gomez, tells the stories of 10 girls from 10 different countries. They include a girl who lives on the streets in India, one who survives on a city dump in Cambodia, and another who lives in a slum in Sierra Leone.


Confidence through contortion in Mongolia

Contortion is a highly-respected, centuries-old tradition in Mongolia. As part of our development program in the area, World Vision supports a contortion class to help children have fun and develop social skills.


A doll named Alma

A World Vision sponsor shares gift ideas for sponsored children and how she lets them know they’re loved and cared for during the holiday season.