News & Stories



I’ve met the face of AIDS

Some 33 million people are living with HIV right now. No longer does this statistic seem foreign to me, because I’ve met one of those 33 million. The World Vision Experience: AIDS tour brings those real faces to life.


Bolivia in 100 words

I can barely begin to describe Bolivia in 100 words — the beauty and the warmth of its people. But still, I hope this will give you an idea.


Disaster response in hot spots around the world

Today we’re providing you with a quick snapshot of what’s happening in five hot spots around the globe — where your generous support is helping people cope with and recover from disasters and crisis situations.


Hard facts about labor trafficking

World Vision has released a new report, “10 Things You Need to Know About Labor Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region,” highlighting truths about exploitative labor that are relevant worldwide. How much do you know about it? Read these facts. Then take action.


Prayers for Japan from around the world

After the deadly earthquake and tsunami in Japan, children and sponsors in the tsunami zone received drawings, cards, and prayers from sponsored children in El Salvador, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Mongolia, Kenya, China, and Ethiopia!


National Hunger Awareness Month: Hunger fast facts

This weekend, more than 8,000 students across the country will participate in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. They’ll experience hunger firsthand, while raising funds to care for children who face this stark reality every day — going to bed hungry.


Celebrating Easter in Colombia

Celebrating Easter, including its preparation, is distinct to each culture and religious tradition. Candelaria, a World Vision community volunteer, and her daughters Martha and Mara describe how their family prepares and celebrates Easter according to Catholic tradition in Colombia.