Nine years ago, our writer Kari lived with a family for five days in Kenya. They shared their lives, hunger, and poverty with her. In April, they reconnected.
News & Stories
The cost of hunger: A story that needs to change
Meet 9-month-old Akusi in Kenya. During the hunger crisis she has become severely malnourished. She’s receiving treatment, but her weight is still dropping.
World Refugee Day: Moses misses his father
Nearly 10,000 refugee children have crossed from South Sudan into Uganda without their parents. Meet Moses, one of these unaccompanied children who now must wear the shoes of a father for his sisters. Learn how this responsibility weighs on him and how World Vision is helping to look after them.
In the shadow of a broken shrine: Child labor in Nepal
In 2015, World Vision staffer Matt Stephens was in Nepal during the devastating earthquake. Two years later, he returns to witness how the disaster is impacting children and leading to a rise in hazardous child labor.
Finding light in the darkest places
While visiting impoverished communities in Bangladesh, World Vision donor Lyné Brown prayed: “God, where are you?” And then she met Nilufa, part of God’s plan to bring light to this dark place.
The importance of making time for play
How much time do you spend playing with your kids each day? For many parents around the world, spending daily time with their kids isn’t automatic. In Armenia, see how we’re training parents to be more engaged in their children’s lives … and how the children are responding.
A global day of prayer to end famine
Hungry people in East Africa are our neighbors in the eyes of God, and Jesus calls us to love them in the same way we love God and ourselves. Our president Rich Stearns explains how we can be in fellowship with them in their suffering.
The desperation of dirty water
Have you ever been lost in the woods — literally or figuratively? Have you rationed your resources, preparing for the worst? Families who can’t access clean water feel this kind of desperation every day. Blogger Rachel Teodoro has met some of these families. Read one of their stories, and learn a simple way you can give them hope!
A Kenya childhood: Growing up without clean water
Growing up in rural Kenya, Sam Irungu knew the daily struggle of collecting dirty water from the early age of 5. Today, he works as a software engineer for World Vision! He attributes this change to God: an answer to his mother’s prayer to redeem the life of God’s children for a better tomorrow.
Bringing happiness to a child named Happy
Many names help give meaning to a person’s life. For International Day of Happiness, we’re celebrating children around the world with the name Happy! Hear what makes some of our Happy-named staff happy, and see a fun way that you can bring a little happiness to the world today.