What are the worst places in the world to be a child? Explore human rights progress around the world.
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Child Protection Stories
Behind the curtain: Best, worst places in the world to be a girl
Research on the best and worst places in the world to be a girl. Read on for infographics with gender inequality stats from around the world.
How to use technology to be kind
Let’s flip the switch on cyberbullying and instead use technology to make your kids’ world a kinder place. Find out how you can help kindness go viral!
Ramping up the fight against Laos’ child killers: Decades-old bombs
Children in Laos are still at risk from bombs dropped on their country during the Vietnam War. Demining and mine awareness training save lives.
All around the world, kids love games
Whether they live in a rural African village or American suburbs, kids are kids — and kids everywhere love games. Some of these games of jump rope, marbles, and tag might not appear at the Olympics, but the children playing them are champions to us.
On wings like eagles: A Mongolia boxing program lets children soar
A Mongolian couple is teaching boxing as a ministry to youth in this poor central Mongolian province transforming the lives of children.
Childhood lost and found: Syrian refugee children reclaim their childhood
JULY 15, 2016, LEBANON — Syrian refugee children in Lebanon are haunted by their losses. But attending Child-Friendly Spaces and early childhood education centers give them a chance to heal and reclaim their childhood.
Mother’s Day: Celebrating moms around the world
From Honduras to Bangladesh, we’re wishing a happy Mother’s Day to all kinds of moms around the world. Check out these photos and help us celebrate mothers!
Hope for Ebola orphans in Sierra Leone
An estimated 22,000 children lost one or both parents to Ebola during the 2014 West Africa outbreak. Read the stories of three Ebola orphans in Sierra Leone.
Young advocates help support new U.S. anti-trafficking law
A history lesson — and encouragement from their parents — inspired the Goodworth children to become young advocates for human rights.