News & Stories

Clean Water Stories

From the Field

Clean water through a turn of the tap

Water piped in from the mountains surrounding this community of Guatemala has made a big difference in the lives of families living here. Community access, plus partnership with the local government and World Vision, has meant families can quickly access clean water for drinking and daily chores with a simple turn of the tap.

From the Field

Global water crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

There’s nothing more essential than access to clean water, yet a global water crisis means people are struggling to get the quantity and quality of water they need. As the leading nongovernmental provider of clean water in the developing world, World Vision plans to reach 30 million people with clean water between 2023 and 2030.

From the Field

Maggie’s story: “Water to our doorsteps” 

In a Zambian village, Maggie’s daily quest for water once hindered her education and exposed her to ridicule. As a result of World Vision’s work with her community, a borehole was installed, equipping families with easy access to water, which has improved their lives in a variety of ways. Now with more free time, Maggie is pursuing her dream of nursing while savoring childhood moments.