News & Stories

Disability Inclusion

From the Field

Mother won’t give up on daughter with disability

Xinxin was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was just a baby. Her mother, Xiaofei, poured time and resources into her rehabilitation, but she lacked support from her family. Relatives didn’t think it was worth it to invest in a child with special needs. But Xiaofei wouldn’t give up. When she found support for Xinxin through World Vision and its partners, she found new hope. Now, she wants to share her hope with other parents of children with disabilities: “I hope parents do not give up.”

From the Field

A fuller life for Aprilia

World Vision sponsored child Aprilia was born with a disability. After several years of waiting, she is attending school and thriving. World Vision comes alongside communities in Indonesia and around the world to help remove the barriers for children with disabilities and ensure that universal access is a part of all reconstruction and infrastructure work.