News & Stories

Disaster Relief

From the Field

2012 Typhoon Bopha: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

On Dec. 3, 2012, almost a year to the day after Mindanao in the southern Philippines was hit by a devastating tropical storm, the island group absorbed another staggering blow: Typhoon Bopha. Bringing back parents’ hopes and children’s smiles was the challenge for World Vision disaster responders.

From the Field

2016 Ecuador earthquake: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

A magnitude 7.8 earthquake rocked Ecuador’s coast April 16, 2016 — killing almost 700 people and leveling homes, schools, and infrastructure. The deadly Ecuador earthquake made life harder for people suffering from El Niño flooding. Recovery called for an all-out effort to support health, nutrition, education, and rebuilding.