News & Stories

Economic Empowerment

From the Field

The blessing chain

Animals provided in Guatemala through World Vision’s Gift Catalog program keep on giving after the initial gift. Through a program called Pasando la Bendición, or Passing the Blessing, more families in need receive animals that provide them with reliable nutrition and income.

Special Features

Pure joy

After an unexpected heartbreak, Damaris learned the secret to living a full life through the Biblical Empowered Worldview training. It changed her heart, her mind, and her future. And she isn’t keeping that secret to herself. She’s sharing it with others.

From the Field

In the kitchen: Honduran pupusas

Pupusas — thick, grilled flatbreads usually stuffed with cheese, beans, or pork — are a staple in Central America. The dish originated in El Salvador and western Honduras. They’re similar to Mexican gorditas and Venezuelan arepas. A few simple ingredients combine to create a flavorful meal.