Hope at Home: Building Resilience in Central America
Addressing the root causes of forced migration
In recent years, forced migration from Central America has become a crisis that needs to be urgently addressed. People, including unaccompanied children, are on the move to find opportunities to thrive outside their home countries. Addressing the root causes of forced migration is at the core of World Vision’s work in Central America.
Forced migration results from various factors and interacting risks that place individuals at sudden or chronic status of high vulnerability, in which their life and well-being are at stake. Children and youth—especially girls and young women—are vulnerable to such fragility, putting them at high risk of violence and mistreatment.
To address these risks and vulnerabilities, World Vision has designed the Hope at Home: Building Resilience in Central America framework, which aims to address the root causes of forced migration by building resilience at the individual, family, community, and societal levels. It fortifies existing capabilities to help people in Central America adapt and transform their responses to shocks, enabling an ability to absorb them and recover. The frame-work proposes a different way to tackle root causes and risks that threaten years of development gains in the region. See the framework to the left and read more about it in the resources below.
Hear from our experts
The role of food systems in forced migration | Devex
Interview with WVUS President and CEO Edgar Sandoval
Why build resilience?
Our leadership, regional experts, and donors discuss why a resilience approach is key in Central America.
Addressing violence in Central America
Our experts are testing an innovative model to predict violence patterns so we can adapt our programs to mitigate violence.
Fostering Resilience in Northern Central America
This summarizes the resilience simulation and virtual dialogue World Vision hosted in partnership with Foreign Policy and World Bank, with highlights of key emerging themes.
Addressing the Root Causes of Central American Forced Migration
October 2020
Hosted by USAID & World Vision
With remarks by Edgar Sandoval, WVUS CEO and President, and Russel Porter, USAID Acting Director of Mexico and Central America
Adapting to a global pandemic: Stories & voices
April 2021
Hosted by World Vision
With remarks from World Vision staff around the world, including highlights of programs in Central America
Supporting indigenous groups in Central America
June 2021
Hosted by World Vision
Panel includes indigenous women, UN Women, Walmart, and World Vision Guatemala staff
Fostering resilience in northern Central America
July 2021
Hosted by Foreign Policy Analytics and World Vision