
Covering the world in prayer: Pray for East Africa

Woman in Kenya cooking outside with her child. Pray for East Africa.

Pray for East Africa with us, especially for World Vision’s work in Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. Let’s lift up the concerns of the families and children of these nations to our heavenly Father and listen to what He has to say to us about them.

The righteous care about justice for the poor.—Proverbs 29:7 (NIV)

Pray for people facing famine and chronic hunger.

Millions of people in Africa are experiencing chronic hunger and the threat of famine. Conflict, recurring severe drought, and high food prices are to blame. People are starving to death — right now. Hunger and malnutrition continued to worsen in East Africa through the peak of the lean season in July. In East Africa alone — South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia — 25.5 million people need food and water. More than 3.5 million children are suffering from acute malnutrition. Ask God to bring rain and relief to struggling families.

Dear Lord, You are Creator of heaven and earth. Rain falls where You send it. Please send consistent rain, Lord, for crops to grow and for people and livestock to drink in the Horn of Africa. Heal the bodies of precious little ones who suffer from malnutrition, and strengthen the men and women who are working hard to return them to full health.

Pray for Uganda as it strains to host refugees who have fled South Sudan.

Since December 2013, 2 million people have fled South Sudan because of conflict and hunger. Uganda now hosts more than 1 million refugees from South Sudan. Thank God for generous donations to World Vision to help provide aid to children whose families arrived in camps with few belongings. Pray Uganda will be able to care for all the refugees.

Dear Lord, in developed countries like the United States, we seldom think about the blessing of  food, clothing, and shelter. Today, we thank You for these basic necessities in our lives. And we are also grateful for the same life-saving gifts from World Vision partners for refugees in Uganda. We ask You to guard refugees’ health in the camps.

Pray for South Sudan.

The world’s youngest nation, South Sudan, faces a humanitarian catastrophe. About half the population suffers hunger; high levels of child mortality persist; and a bloody conflict has forced almost 4 million from theis homes, including 2 million to neighboring countries. South Sudan Sudan also faces internal conflicts as well as ongoing tensions with Sudan. Despite this, the people of South Sudan are resilient and optimistic about their future.

A World Vision program manager for South Sudan says that during a recent visit, he saw children enjoying school, herds of healthy cattle, farmers plowing their fields, and people busy working on their houses. Ask God to guide this young nation and give its people a vision for a healthy future — and the determination to make it happen.

Dear Lord, You have watched the birth of so many nations throughout the ages. Grant wisdom to the leaders of South Sudan as they face many challenges at this early time in their country’s history.

Pray for Tanzanian families working together to rise above poverty.

World Vision continues to support families that were affected by drought and experienced significant food shortages due to very high food prices. In Tanzania, World Vision helps farmers organize cooperative farming groups that work together and sell their produce as a group. World Vision also supports the groups with water pumps and training in good agricultural practices. Thank God for the resources He provides so World Vision can participate in His transformational work in nearly 100 countries around the world, including Tanzania.

Dear Lord, in Your earthly ministry, You had compassion for people who were hungry and thirsty. Thank You for allowing World Vision staff to work alongside families in Tanzania and around the globe. We ask You to cultivate this work to change people’s lives forever.

Pray children can learn.

About 66 million children around the world — 23 million in Africa alone — attend school hungry. This makes concentrating on subjects difficult, and their learning suffers.

Heavenly Father, be with little ones as they seek to learn. Provide their parents with the means to send them to school well fed so the only hunger they know is an insatiable hunger to learn. Equip them with an education that prepares them to do the great things You have planned for their lives.

“Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” —Proverbs 4:13 (NIV)

Pray for World Vision’s child sponsorship communities in Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Child sponsorship is the backbone of our work to help communities become thriving places where children can play, learn, and grow into healthy adults. Thank the Lord for generous and faithful donors who support this vital work. Ask Him to give World Vision wisdom in helping communities discover the best solutions to the poverty that keeps His children from experiencing fullness of life.

Dear Lord, Thank You for every donor who supports World Vision child sponsorship in East Africa. Their faithfulness enables so much good to be done in Your name. We know this brings You pleasure because it supports the poor, the widow, and the orphan. Help community members to continue this hard work of making their communities places where all children are nurtured, loved, protected, healthy, educated, and strong.

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