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SmartBuyGlasses Sets Sights on Giving Back

“Partnering with such a well-known charity has been warmly welcomed by our team members and customers alike and has encouraged a greater sense of brand loyalty for our business.”
—Julia Ritchie, Merchandising Manager & Head of CSR at SmartBuyGlasses

As an eyewear retailer, SmartBuyGlasses is passionate about giving back to their community to promote good eye health and sustainable living. They have also put social initiatives at the forefront of their company’s vision by helping the developing world and contributing life-changing aid to those in need.

After learning of World Vision’s Mother and Child program in Zambia, SmartBuyGlasses began their partnership with the organization in June of 2020. “We recently set our sights on a partnership with World Vision to take our charitable giving to the next level. After careful consideration we chose a program that we felt extremely passionate about and where we thought we could have the biggest impact,” says Julia Ritchie, Merchandising Manager at SmartBuyGlasses. “One of the standout aspects we appreciate is that World Vision’s projects are not one-off projects, but long-term ones that last the stand of time and truly make a difference.”

SmartBuyGlasses has a long history of actively giving back to the community. Since partnering with World Vision, the company has incorporated a “Buy One, Help One” message into their marketing for any pair of SmartBuy Collection eyewear that is purchased. “Buy One, Help One is our first partnership with World Vision. We believe every person should have access to affordable eyewear but wanted it to go further than just this and have every purchase also contribute towards helping someone in need,” says Julia. “The average American has access to affordable eyewear and is now also helping to contribute toward life-changing aid to mothers and children in Zambia. Our goal is to reach 40,000 women and children over the next three years through this partnership and provide life-saving health education and care directly to families in Zambia’s poorest Luwingu district.”

Not only is the company proud of being able to provide affordable eyewear globally, they’re excited about their partnership with World Vision as well. “Partnering with such a well-known charity has been warmly welcomed by our team members and customers alike and has encouraged a greater sense of brand loyalty for our business,” says Julia.

Would you like to help others in your community and around the world like SmartBuyGlasses? Simply partner with World Vision today!

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