News & Stories

World Vision Staff

Women Who Dare to Dream

The Impact of the Women’s Empowerment Fund We all want children to thrive. Yet in impoverished rural communities, the opportunities to earn a good income are rare—leading many families to live in extreme poverty. Children often go hungry and drop out of school. For...
Cause Marketing

The Gift of Mobility

Spin’s Commitment to Making a Positive Difference In many countries, young girls and boys have to walk for hours to reach the nearest school. Unfortunately, the children often drop out as parents feel their time would be better spent working and supplementing the family’s...
Employee Engagement

This 6K race is good for business

If you want a unique, fun, and impactful way to support your corporate social responsibility strategy, look no further than World Vision’s Global 6K for Water — an annual event that invites participants to bring clean water to those in need by walking or...
Cause Marketing

The Global 6K Water Challenge

Join with your employees and change the world! Last year, people gathered around the world to walk or run 6 kilometers in support of the Global 6K Water Challenge. In the end, more than 48,000 people and 29 businesses joined together to provide clean...
Corporate Partner

Donated Products Transform Communities

If you’re looking to help the world’s most vulnerable children and families, donating your organization’s products can make a huge difference—plus it’s easy and convenient! Whether it’s warm clothing, blankets, lifesaving medicines, or other essentials, donated products help reduce suffering and restore dignity to...
Employee Engagement

Watermill Express Steps Up

Employees embrace the Global 6K Challenge BRIGHTON, CO — Imagine if you had to trudge nearly 6 kilometers every day to get water. Then imagine if that water was so dirty it caused diarrhea, cholera, and other life-threatening illnesses. For many people in developing...
Product Donation

Surviving Under Harsh Conditions

7AM Enfant donates its products to warm the hearts of families NEW YORK, NY — Children and families are at the heart of World Vision’s work in Zambia and Afghanistan. In these countries, many people struggle to survive under harsh conditions—and it’s even more...
Corporate Partner

World Vision and Essendant

A partnership that knows no bounds DEERFIELD, IL — Product donations are one of the most effective ways for American companies to provide relief to struggling communities. They’re also a powerful philanthropic choice that the Essendant Charitable Foundation swears by. Ten years ago, Essendant’s...
Cause Marketing


Pursuing human justice through high-quality, ethical fashion DES PLAINES, IL — What if the simple purchase of a tote or t-shirt could help free a woman from injustice? Katherine and Brad Jeffery believe that ethically produced fashion goes a long way toward empowering women...