News & Stories

World Vision Staff

8 of the worst disasters in 2020

Disasters in all forms — natural, man-made, and complex emergencies and refugee crises — delivered an unprecedentedly turbulent blow to the world in 2020. “2020 was a challenging one for all of us, individually and corporately,” says Erica Van Deren, a senior program manager...
Cause Marketing


On International Women’s Day (March 8), World Vision is joining partner Global Water Challenge (GWC) and a diverse group of organizations to bring attention to the importance of water in the lives of women. Water4Her is a movement initiated by GWC’s women for water...
Corporate Partner

SmartBuyGlasses Sets Sights on Giving Back

“Partnering with such a well-known charity has been warmly welcomed by our team members and customers alike and has encouraged a greater sense of brand loyalty for our business.” —Julia Ritchie, Merchandising Manager & Head of CSR at SmartBuyGlasses As an eyewear retailer, SmartBuyGlasses...
Corporate Partner

Soapbox is changing lives—one bar at a time

“World Vision is an excellent partner. Working with them helps us to save lives!” —Cecilia Tran, Impact Manager at Soapbox When COVID-19 hit, hair and body care retailer, Soapbox, began looking for a strong partner to distribute their soap to people in need. World...
Product Donation

The Power of Giving … with Thirty-One Gifts

“It is so powerful to see the impact our products can have in spreading hope—whether it’s to survivors of a natural disaster, refugees, or children in poverty.” —Cindy Monroe, Founder and CEO of Thirty-One Gifts. For the past six years, Thirty-One Gives (the charitable...
Cause Marketing

Cause Marketing during COVID-19

As the economy struggles to right itself after more than a year of pandemic-related shutdowns, agile companies are using cause marketing to emerge into a “new normal” with exponentially greater brand recognition and brand loyalty than before. While it might be a time of lean revenues, connecting with customers through...
Product Donation

5000 Containers: A Milestone to Celebrate

World Vision has reached a milestone in humanitarian aid relief. On July 18, 2019th the organization shipped its 5,000th international container to Zambia. The container included bikes from Free Bikes 4 Kidz, clothing from Abercrombie & Fitch Co., school and hygiene supplies from World