News & Stories


From the Field

Mobile and no longer malnourished

Isma’s health and mobility greatly improved after being supported by World Vision. Through community-based malnutrition programs, he received treatment at home along with tactics and trainings to equip families with healthy techniques. Plus, a provision of a wheelchair has improved Isma’s mobility.

Special Features

Fallout: When hunger has no borders

An intimate window into the lives of children and their families who have been overcome by food insecurity and now pay the price of the war in Ukraine. Showcasing impactful still images captured by World Vision photographers and partners, this 3D virtual exhibition offers a glimpse of key issues that the world’s most vulnerable face.


A renewed call to care for the poor

Steve Poe, senior pastor at Northview Church in Indiana, shares how Christians should always be ready to respond to the needs of the poor, how Paul demonstrated that in his missionary journeys, and how Steve’s church is doing that.

From the Field

5 worst spots for hunger

Around the world, as many as 811 million people regularly go to bed hungry. Learn where the 5 worst places are in the world for hunger, what World Vision is doing, and how you can help hungry children and families in need.