Drought in Somalia has displaced thousands of people. Limited food and livelihood options in Somalia’s Baidoa region result in mothers like Hawa feeding their children nutrient-deficient wild fruits.
News & Stories
Future president of Malawi: Mphatso
A wheelchair donation from World Vision helps Mphatso achieve his goal of education. It also moves him closer to his dream of one day being the president of the Republic of Malawi.
Bicycles lift a burden from the shoulders of a Zambian girl
New bicycles allow a Zambian girl to attend school and avoid the dangers on her road to collect water. The bicycle lets her arrive on time to class and also gets her home earlier in the evening so she has more time for her homework.
Amid despair, aid worker finds hope as Somalia faces the threat of famine
As families in Somalia face ongoing hunger, food insecurity, and displacement due to the country’s worst drought in decades, World Vision’s operations director in Somalia shares his heartache — and his source of hope.
Mobile and no longer malnourished
Isma’s health and mobility greatly improved after being supported by World Vision. Through community-based malnutrition programs, he received treatment at home along with tactics and trainings to equip families with healthy techniques. Plus, a provision of a wheelchair has improved Isma’s mobility.
Fallout: When hunger has no borders
An intimate window into the lives of children and their families who have been overcome by food insecurity and now pay the price of the war in Ukraine. Showcasing impactful still images captured by World Vision photographers and partners, this 3D virtual exhibition offers a glimpse of key issues that the world’s most vulnerable face.
Still strong, 11 years after recovering from malnutrition
When Swangirai was 11 months old, he was among 40 children to receive malnutrition recovery support through World Vision. Now, 12 years old, Swangirai remains strong and healthy.
Falling malaria cases give way to education in Malawi
High malaria rates in Malawi caused children to miss school. Upon their return, students like Halima struggled to keep up. After World Vision’s Indoor Residual Spray initiative, class attendance rose.
An ode to mothers
Every day, mothers continue to love, care for, and provide for their children. On this Mother’s Day, we recognize mothers around the globe.
Closing the gap: A visual journey of disability inclusion
World Vision is committed to help bridge barriers for vulnerable people who face each day with a disability. As we take steps to do so, we reflect on powerful moments and stories brought about through our work.