Read a few stories of how the lives of children and families change when they receive animals — like goats, chickens, and alpacas — through the World Vision Gift Catalog. We hope these animal tales will warm your Thanksgiving.
News & Stories
How World Vision fights the secondary effects of COVID-19
COVID-19 poses new challenges to World Vision, but our 37,000 staff and communities worldwide are working together to bring hope to children and families. We’re fighting the secondary effects of the disease — the economic, social, and long-term health impacts.
Goats offer a safety net for families in Zambia
When you give the gift of a goat through World Vision’s Gift Catalog, you’re helping to provide a sustainable source of income for families around the world. The small, but hearty animals basically take care of themselves, reproduce quickly, and seldom get sick.
Unexpected hidden heroes responding to the crisis in powerful ways
In the United States and around the world, ordinary kids are taking on the challenge of COVID-19 with small, but extraordinary, actions.
5 reasons goats are the G.O.A.T.
Did you know goats are the G.O.A.T. — Greatest Of All Time — Christmas gift? Whether you give one goat or several, or a goat plus ducks, chickens, or other farm animals, the World Vision Gift Catalog has you covered for Christmas.
Five ways being chosen can change your life
Why does being chosen matter? Joel from Chicago says, “It’s going to be a life-changing experience.” Discover how being chosen has changed people’s lives for the better.
Mali conflict explained: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
Once an emerging force for democracy in West Africa, Mali has struggled to maintain stability since a 2012 coup. Conflict continues, and increasingly severe droughts and the coronavirus have added to the country’s challenges. Children and families need food security, healthcare, and protection.
Writing your sponsored child: What happens behind the scenes
Travel along with a letter to a sponsored child to learn all the steps involved in getting it from your desk to the child’s hands and then the child’s response back to you.
Inspiring examples of how to fight COVID-19 around the world
People around the world are using their time, talents, and treasures to overcome obstacles so they can serve others in the time of COVID-19.
Coronavirus response: Scaling up prevention to slow the spread
As COVID-19 began to rage in China, World Vision staff jumped into action. Decades of experience in combating infectious diseases told them that scaling up prevention would be key to protecting children and families in World Vision program areas. That’s why it’s one of the four key objectives in our global coronavirus response.