Three Kenyan youths share how the gift of new wheelchairs has transformed their lives by providing them with inclusion and freedom.
News & Stories
World Vision Ignite: Building friendships across the globe
A new World Vision program is igniting a passion among high school students for the world’s hardest places! Hear from our partner school’s principal how this new curriculum is making the world’s issues — and some new friends — real for his students.
5 ways you and your kids can help refugees
Here are five meaningful activities that can help your kids help refugees fleeing crises like Syria, South Sudan, and Myanmar. Take your pick and choose an activity to do, or make it a challenge to do all five.
Global 6K for Water creates an unforgettable moment for a California pastor
Nicole Wetmore, a pastor from California, sponsored the child on her race bib at the Global 6K for Water in 2018. Because of her choice, an unforgettable moment was in store in her not even six months later.
Video: Schoolgirls share their poem ‘Dear Water’
How does clean water change lives? These girls wrote a poem to tell you just how life-giving and transformative it can be.
Patricia Heaton’s mission for clean water in Rwanda
Actress Patricia Heaton considered a career in missions before her acting career took off. But God’s plan for her on mission isn’t over! Join Patricia on her recent trip to Rwanda to visit children like Delphin who are in desperate need of clean water.
7-year-old’s quest to end water crisis gains momentum
Addyson Moffitt, 7, was moved to run two half marathons with Team World Vision and raise $60,000 to help provide clean water to children in Africa when she learned how children her age often walk 6 kilometers for dirty water.
The dangers below: The pond of misery in Rwanda
MAY 1, 2019, RWANDA — Alongside a pond in Rwanda once roamed the legendary “Big Five” animals of Africa. Today, dominion of the pond belongs to creatures that are smaller but even deadlier — bloodsucking parasites, mosquitoes, and snakes. Eight-year-old Esther hates the pond, her only source of water.
Chicago-area company creates vision through the Global 6K for Water
Chicago-based HOH Water Technology has a stake in the water game, but its president, Tom Hutchinson, also wants to help end the global water crisis through participation in the World Vision Global 6K for Water.
How’d they do that: Transforming lives like Cheru’s through clean water
Find out how your generosity brought clean water to Cheru and her community in Kenya. Cheru appeared on the cover of the spring 2017 World Vision magazine and her story also headlined the Global 6K for Water in 2017 and 2018.