News & Stories


From the Field

How World Vision does child protection around the world

More than half of the world’s children experience some form of violence every year. World Vision protects children and looks out
 for their well-being by ensuring communities and faith leaders 
are actively working to identify 
and support children in need; advocating for children’s rights; and providing for immediate needs, such as emergency shelter and essential care.


Food crisis in Kenya: 5 signs of hunger I’ve never seen

The East Africa food crisis is monstrous: affecting 25 million people and showing up in ways our writer and photographer team have never before seen. Today, our writer — Kari Costanza — gives you a first-hand snapshot of five ways that hunger is changing the lives of people in Turkana, Kenya.

Change Makers

2018 Global 6K for Water is ‘life-changing’, more than a race

More than 48,000 people worldwide laced up for World Vision’s 2018 Global 6K for Water May 19, 2018, at 1,075 locations in 16 countries, including the United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, and Australia. Hear from everyday change-makers about the life-changing experience of bringing clean water to more than 63,000 people.


A life and death story of clean water in Rwanda

Twenty-four years after the genocide in Rwanda, children like Julius — a top student in his school — continue to die from poverty and lack of clean water. As Rich Stearns wraps up his tenure as World Vision U.S. president, he is dedicated to ending this needless loss of life in Rwanda and around the world.