Walk in the shoes of a Kenyan woman as she struggles to find clean water for her family, and learn what brought her arduous journey to an end.
News & Stories
Clean water: This generation’s moon shot
Humanity has never been able to bring clean water to everyone. But now there’s a goal to do so, and World Vision is playing a leading role in achieving this “moon shot.”
Five days of learning what hunger feels like
Spend five days with a Kenyan family as they battle hunger, and learn what hunger can do to a person’s stomach and soul. Writer Kari Costanza shares what hunger feels like.
Podcast with Pastor Dave Schmidgall from National Community Church
This podcast we talk with Pastor Dave Schmidgall from National Community Church in Washington, D.C. about meeting Syrian refugees in Lebanon and how to put your faith in action here at home.
Tropical storms, flooding wreak havoc around the world
Hurricane Harvey and flooding around the world is captured in 12 stunning photographs by World Vision photographers as we respond to these natural disasters.
Blessed by a broken heart
World Vision U.S. President Rich Stearns reflects on how when our hearts are broken by the world’s suffering, we remain tender to see as Jesus sees.
Make a world of good: Do something!
While children in the United States are going back to school, Reneé Stearns reflects on how a special school in Kenya is making a world of good for girls.
Hope in hard places: Pray for South Sudan
Join us in praying over the people of South Sudan, where armed conflict and food shortages make it very difficult to live right now.
World Humanitarian Day: ‘No one paid attention to my cries’
This World Humanitarian Day, 8-year-old Sadia shares her tribute to World Vision humanitarian staff in Niger. One day while waiting in the heat for food, her grandmother fainted. Scared and ignored, Sadia saw the World Vision team pushing through the crowd to help. This is Sadia’s story.
Hunger crisis: ‘When I get angry is when I pray’
Hunger in Kenya robbed Peter and Samson of their parents in March. Peter, the family’s rock, is afraid now, while Samson is angry but tries to be strong. All they have left is prayer and each other. Lift them up in prayer today and read their story.