Plastic bags, rocks, cardboard: Sometimes the most fun comes from regular stuff. World Vision photographer Eugene Lee shares some of the homemade games and toys he’s seen around the world.
News & Stories
3 ways you can fight malnutrition in your sphere
Learn how malnutrition in developing countries affects everyone, along with three ways you can help fight malnutrition to help children grow up healthy.
UPDATE: Protection from child sacrifice — It’s working!
One of our most innovative programs, an Amber Alert designed to save children from being sacrificed in Uganda, is working! Project manager Obed Byamugisha risks his life every day in a battle against witch doctors. See how he’s helping communities in Uganda work together to keep their children safe.
Knit one, bless two
When author Debbie Macomber looked around at the needs in this world, it could feel overwhelming. She asked, “What can I do?” The answer was, “We can knit.”
Building resilient livelihoods and bringing families together
An idea that began in a rice field in Tanzania is today building resilient livelihoods for farmers across five countries in Africa and empowering their families to grow greater together through transformation and forgiveness. See how this innovative program works!
Returning to school after Ebola: ‘The best day of my life’
Children in Sierra Leone spent nine months out of school during the Ebola outbreak. See how World Vision continues to support the long-term recovery of children in Sierra Leone after Ebola, and experience their bittersweet return to school through their eyes.
Turning tears of compassion into transformation
When Arkansas pastor David Johnson went to Kenya, he had no idea that his life, his wife, his children, and their church would never be the same.
Economic empowerment: Helping hardworking parents
When loans transformed a Grace Graka’s life, she transformed her community in Zambia.
Combating preventable diseases in Uganda, Afghanistan
In Uganda and Afghanistan, volunteers are the front line of health services, helping pregnant women and treating common but potentially fatal diseases.
Who welcomes refugees? A country you wouldn’t expect
Find out which small East African country rolls out the welcome mat and hosts more than half a million refugees, the eighth largest number in the world.