David Ward led the team that set up World Vision feeding centers across Ethiopia during the 1980s famine. He shares the story of the massive relief and rehabilitation program’s improbable beginning.
News & Stories
Reflections and remembrances from a former World Vision U.S. president
Former World Vision U.S. President Bob Seiple reflects on painful anniversaries, from the horror of the Rwanda genocide to orphans in Romania, and redemptive moments.
Sponsorship: A safeguard against child marriage of girls
The story of Habtam in Ethiopia illustrates how girls in developing countries are often not valued — and how child sponsorship can help empower girls.
Dr. Paul Osteen’s latest operation: ‘Elevate the poor out of poverty’
Dr. Paul Osteen, older brother of Pastor Joel Osteen, ministers hands-on, one-to-one, in some of the most remote and poorest parts of the earth.
Ethiopia: Forest project gets U.N. carbon credits
A reforestation project that has restored thousands of hectares of land in southwestern Ethiopia has won global recognition by becoming the first on the continent to earn United Nations-administered carbon credits.
Clean water changes everything
When drilling teams strike water, entire villages erupt in celebration! All because clean water changes everything for people like Emmanuel in Ghana.
Rwanda: 20 years later
APRIL 1, 2014, RWANDA — In 1994, Rwanda was as ruined as any spot on earth after an implosion of violence killed 800,000 people in 100 days. How could the country ever overcome such hatred and horror? It would take a miracle. Through World Vision’s reconciliation programming, healing has given way to hope.
The 1,000th well in Mali marks a clean-water milestone
Villagers celebrated as World Vision’s 1,000th successful borehole drilled in Mali since 2003 brought clean water to the rural village of Yaran.
Salmina escapes from child marriage
Last year, at only 15, Salmina felt that her life was at stake when she was forced to marry a 58-year-old man and leave school. Thanks to a community member who was trained in child protection issues by World Vision, she escaped from the nightmare. Now she is looking forward to going back to school and pursuing her dream of teaching mathematics.
Child sacrifice: Protection through pierced ears in Uganda
In certain districts of Uganda, child sacrifice is a real danger. Today, Kari Costanza writes from Uganda about 3-year-old Sharon, whose pierced ears may protect her. Read how a World Vision-supported amber alert program is helping to recover children that have been taken.