News & Stories



[Video] Sheila Walsh: Seeing the bigger picture

World Vision Artist speaker, author, Bible teacher, and singer Sheila Walsh writes about a recent trip to Ethiopia where she met one of her sponsored children and saw the bigger picture of what child sponsorship is all about.


Walking for water, riding for life

Ethiopia isn’t where you’d expect to find the owner of the most successful Harley Davidson shop in the U.S. walking for water. But there’s a lot surprising about Mark!


World Malaria Day: The gossamer thread

This World Malaria Day, join World Vision in remembering the lives devastated by this preventable, treatable disease — and in our mission of eradicating it from the world. See the miraculous change a few square meters of netting brought about for a Mozambican family.


My walk with World Vision to give water to the thirsty

The global water crisis is a silent killer that takes the lives of more children every year than HIV and malaria combined. More than 2,000 children die every day because of unclean water, poor hygiene, and lack of sanitation. But there is great hope. This is a crisis we know how to address.


‘Girl Rising’ film ditches convention to tell stories

The film “Girl Rising,” whose narrators include Meryl Streep, Kerry Washington, and Selena Gomez, tells the stories of 10 girls from 10 different countries. They include a girl who lives on the streets in India, one who survives on a city dump in Cambodia, and another who lives in a slum in Sierra Leone.