FEB. 1, 2013, SOUTH AFRICA — South Africa’s patriarchal society denies women a voice on issues affecting them most: gender equality, child abuse, rape, and high HIV rates. But now many are standing against the denial and prejudice associated with HIV by learning to live productive lives.
News & Stories
Former sponsored child challenges Kenya’s ruling authority
Challenging the ruling authority can be dangerous — just ask Kenya’s Ben Koissaba. In 2004, this former sponsored child led the Maasai’s first peaceful protest in Nairobi. Five years later, as his views continued to clash with the Kenyan government of the time, Ben sought political asylum in the U.S.
Warren Buffett’s son pledges aid to Congo refugees
Howard Buffett, son of billionaire investor Warren Buffett, visited the Democratic Republic of the Congo to see the dire situation of families displaced due to conflict.
A doll named Alma
A World Vision sponsor shares gift ideas for sponsored children and how she lets them know they’re loved and cared for during the holiday season.
K-LOVE DJ JD Chandler reaches out from Niger
To help children around the world survive to the age of 5, JD Chandler, a DJ at K-LOVE who recently visited children in Niger, will host a radiothon on November 20 to help find sponsors for children in need.
Here’s to the givers
NOV. 1, 2012 — Here’s to the givers of the world … givers of all sizes and ages, from different walks of life and various income levels. They give not because of a date on the calendar but because they are God’s beloved cheerful givers. Their stories show the impact of relatively simple gifts in developing countries.
Net effect
NOV. 1, 2012, MOZAMBIQUE — In malaria-prone Mozambique, two girls live very different lives. One is protected by a mosquito bed net; the other is not. A handful of gossamer threads treated with insecticide makes all the difference.
From Alabama to India, with love
NOV. 1, 2012, UNITED STATES — Children in Alabama with the Brown House ministry are learning that the world is smaller than they thought by sponsoring a child and donating to the World Vision Gift Catalog.
Bright idea: A Wisconsin church brings solar light to Rwanda
A Wisconsin church provides solar lights for children in Rwanda after an off-hand comment during a project visit sparked a movement to help children study.
Why did I pray?
Writer Kari Costanza explains that she feels God as stories unfold. When people tell her their stories in a way that is dignified and true, she knows finding them had nothing to do with her.