Starting in 1950 with the Korean War, World Vision has responded to the most urgent disasters and humanitarian crises around the world, providing immediate aid.
News & Stories
Slices of life in Cambodia
As our bloggers visit communities in Cambodia to witness the transformation that child sponsorship brings into the lives of children and their families, our photographer Laura Reinhardt shares a few favorite photos of some of the children we’re meeting. Join us on our journey!
Child trafficking survivor begins new life at trauma recovery center
Kolab is a child trafficking survivor in Cambodia, now on the road to a full life; but millions of other children like Kolab are still vulnerable.
Sponsorship’s lasting impact on urban families in Bangladesh
How do you change the world for girls in Bangladesh? Sponsorship is a big part of the answer, combatting poverty’s effects by enabling children to pursue education.
Killing worms, gaining weight
Underweight and suffering from worms, 2-year-old Hnin needed more than a home remedy. The malnourished child needed medicine, nutrition, and hygiene help.
A look at child labor inside a garment factory in Bangladesh
Bithi wanted to become a doctor. But poverty forced her into child labor in a garment factory in Bangladesh, making upwards of 480 pairs of pants a day.
Nepal earthquake: Strangers wanted her little boys
A week after Nepal’s deadly earthquake, a stranger approached Kanchi, a mother of three, and asked to adopt her two boys. See how World Vision works to protect children from a variety of dangers after disaster strikes.
TBT: Operation Babylift in Vietnam rescues orphans
In 1975, World Vision’s Operation Babylift evacuated 27 Vietnamese and 20 Cambodian orphans to the U.S. due to deteriorating conditions in Southeast Asia.
Battling malnutrition: Veggies make the meal
In an Indonesian village frequently isolated by floods, nearly 1 in 3 children experienced malnutrition. Now every single child is healthy.
A time to speak: Voices raised in prayer
Marilee Pierce Dunker shares the experience she had in Mongolia with the children of the Blue Sky Choir when the room erupted in prayer and praise.