A boy living on the streets of Cambodia once trapped in a world of addiction has discovered a whole new world of freedom and hope and is helping other children find it too.
News & Stories
When hunger, poverty undermine education for children
Poverty often keeps children like 11-year-old Kham out of school. He used to skip school to look for food, and he was embarrassed about his dirty clothes.
The power of comfort in action
Marilee Pierce Dunker reflects on how we can comfort those in trouble with the comfort we receive from God. Find out the power of comfort in action.
Sponsor changes the heart, mind of sponsored child
When she was a child, World Vision sponsorship set a Thai woman on the path to improving her life, her family’s well-being, and the health in her community.
Called to compassion: A boy who fled war now helps exploited children
Vinh Chung was 3 years old when he escaped death in a small boat on the South China Sea. Now he’s working to help other children in dire circumstances.
World Poetry Day: “Childhood Lost” by Propaganda
In honor of World Poetry Day, we’re featuring our partner, spoken-word poet Propaganda, with a video of his poem “Childhood Lost”: “Childhood is worth saving, because once it’s gone, it’s gone.” Watch this powerful video, and learn more about Childhood Lost.
Children living on the streets of Myanmar find hope
In Yangon, Myanmar, the battle for survival is being won and children living on the streets are being blessed with hope — meals, a bed, a bath, and school.
Children of the brothel
Feb. 1, 2014, BANGLADESH — In Jessore, World Vision provides care for the children of sex workers — part of a plan to protect children across Bangladesh.
In China, a flame of faith ignites eager, young hearts
Marilee Pierce Dunker, daughter of World Vision founder Bob Pierce, and her daughter visit with elderly saints in Xiamen, China who came to Christ before communism closed China to the gospel.
5 of the worst disasters in 2013
Here’s a look at a few of the natural disasters that demanded a significant humanitarian response in 2013.