News & Stories


From the Field

Typhoon Haiyan: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Typhoon Haiyan, one of the most powerful typhoons of all time, hit the Philippines on November 8, 2013, as a Category 5 storm. The catastrophic storm claimed the lives of over 8,000 people and displaced millions more. Discover the extent of the typhoon’s fury and its impact on more than 14 million people across 44 provinces, as well as World Vision’s role in supporting the recovery and rebuilding of the affected communities.

From the Field

Cyclone Phailin: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Explore facts about Cyclone Phailin, the strongest storm to hit India in 14 years when it struck in October 2013. Learn how early evacuations and disaster preparedness saved lives — and how World Vision’s response helped support communities during the emergency and equip them for future disaster responses.

From the Field

2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami: Facts and FAQs

Explore the profound impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that was triggered by a massive undersea earthquake and resulted in nearly 230,000 casualties and widespread destruction. Learn about World Vision’s humanitarian efforts as we led a disaster response, raising over $350 million for relief and rehabilitation lasting more than a decade and spanning across Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, and Myanmar.

From the Field

Rohingya refugee crisis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

Since 2017, nearly 1 million Rohingya people have fled their homes in Myanmar to escape violence. Now living in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, they rely on humanitarian aid to survive. Over half of the refugee population are children. Learn more about the ongoing Rohingya crisis and how World Vision is helping.

From the Field

A fuller life for Aprilia

World Vision sponsored child Aprilia was born with a disability. After several years of waiting, she is attending school and thriving. World Vision comes alongside communities in Indonesia and around the world to help remove the barriers for children with disabilities and ensure that universal access is a part of all reconstruction and infrastructure work.

From the Field

A dream unbroken: Sumaiya’s stand against child marriage

In northern Bangladesh, Sumaiya faced the all-too-common prospect of child marriage when she was 16, a practice still prevalent in her region. With her parents working in a different town, her grandparents, under financial strain, arranged for her marriage. Through Sumaiya’s determination and involvement with her adolescent club, part of a World Vision initiative promoting social justice and education for girls, the marriage was called off, and Sumaiya is helping other girls in her community experience more hopeful futures.