Ongoing turmoil and economic decline in Venezuela since 2014 have driven more than 7.7 million people from the country in search of food, work, and better living conditions. While the influx from Venezuela has caused tensions in host countries, it’s also brought out their hospitable spirit. Learn how World Vision is supporting children and families across the region impacted by the Venezuela crisis.
News & Stories
Zika virus: Facts, symptoms, and how to help
Discover essential information about the mosquito-borne Zika virus, including the symptoms, prevention, and the significant 2015–2016 outbreak. Learn how Zika can cause serious birth defects like microcephaly. And find out the latest update on Zika.
What is a refugee?
The number of refugees globally has reached 43.4 million, and their needs have never been greater, not only for the basic necessities of life, but also for hope and opportunities to be self-sufficient. Explore the challenges faced by refugees and find out more about the global refugee crisis.
Lesser-known crises and World Vision’s impact
When it comes to disaster response, World Vision stands at the forefront, responding swiftly to crises, both major and lesser-known, that impact vulnerable communities globally. From aiding displaced children in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to supporting millions affected by Amazon droughts and helping families in Sri Lanka’s internal upheaval, our commitment extends beyond the headline-making disasters. With a presence in nearly 100 countries, we respond with life-saving essentials to all types of disasters and equip vulnerable children, families, and communities with long-term solutions.
In photos: 23 moments to remember
In 2023, the harsh realities of conflict, displacement, natural disaster, and extreme hunger impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. As World Vision responded, we witnessed moments of both hardship and hope. See the incredible images of resilience, determination, and even joy that World Vision’s communicators were able to capture in this extraordinary year.
12 reasons to have hope in 2022
While progress on ending global poverty and boosting development has slowed or stalled because of the pandemic, we still have many reasons to be hopeful. As we see progress in clean water, mother and child health, advocacy work, and more, we can trust that our sovereign God hasn’t stopped working. Read evidences of God’s mercy to His people with these 12 reasons to have hope in 2022.
10 of the top disasters in 2021
In 2021, World Vision responded to 72 disasters in 52 countries, helping more than 30.1 million people in crisis — in addition to our ongoing global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about some of the worst disasters of 2021.
Called by God: The Every Last One campaign
In late 2015, World Vision launched Every Last One (ELO) — a $1 billion capital campaign over eight years to make life, hope, and a future possible for 60 million people. Explore the work that has already been done, and help us make an even bigger impact faster.
Responding to COVID-19 in one of the most remote places in the world
The Solidarity, a hospital ship operated by World Vision, has sailed to isolated communities to deliver food boxes, essential first-aid supplies, and provide medical care to 1,000 families in Brazil hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.
Covering the world in prayer: Pray for South America
Please pray with us for World Vision’s work in South America — Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Brazil. While many of these countries are still recovering from years of internal violence and political instability, each faces unique challenges today.