News & Stories

Democratic Republic of the Congo

From the Field

DRC conflict: Facts, FAQs, and how to help

A recent surge in violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) threatens the lives of millions of children who are already suffering from hunger, disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and poverty. Learn more about the DRC’s conflict and current situation and about World Vision’s response to help impacted children and families.

From the Field

What is a refugee?

The number of refugees globally has reached 43.4 million, and their needs have never been greater, not only for the basic necessities of life, but also for hope and opportunities to be self-sufficient. Explore the challenges faced by refugees and find out more about the global refugee crisis.

From the Field

Reading club helps grow Lesline’s love of reading

When Lesline’s teacher noticed that she was struggling to learn to read and write, he recommended that she join the local World Vision reading club. Now her scores are improving, and she’s found a community of like-minded friends — and supportive adults, too.


Matthew 25: Prayer for children’s protection

Child labor and exploitation, female genital mutilation (FGM), and human trafficking are among the greatest evils in the world. Pray with us for an end to all harm against children and for World Vision’s work to protect children.


Matthew 25: Prayer for refugees

God is with people who have been forced to flee their home. Join us in prayer for all who find themselves “strangers,” as Jesus calls them in Matthew 25:35.