Ongoing turmoil and economic decline in Venezuela since 2014 have driven more than 7.7 million people from the country in search of food, work, and better living conditions. While the influx from Venezuela has caused tensions in host countries, it’s also brought out their hospitable spirit. Learn how World Vision is supporting children and families across the region impacted by the Venezuela crisis.
News & Stories
Ecuador earthquake: Facts, FAQs, and how to help
A magnitude 7.8 earthquake rocked Ecuador’s coast April 16, 2016 — killing almost 700 people and leveling homes, schools, and infrastructure. The deadly Ecuador earthquake made life harder for people suffering from El Niño flooding. Recovery called for an all-out effort to support health, nutrition, education, and rebuilding.
What is a refugee?
The number of refugees globally has reached 43.4 million, and their needs have never been greater, not only for the basic necessities of life, but also for hope and opportunities to be self-sufficient. Explore the challenges faced by refugees and find out more about the global refugee crisis.
An ode to mothers
Every day, mothers continue to love, care for, and provide for their children. On this Mother’s Day, we recognize mothers around the globe.
Called by God: The Every Last One campaign
In late 2015, World Vision launched Every Last One (ELO) — a $1 billion capital campaign over eight years to make life, hope, and a future possible for 60 million people. Explore the work that has already been done, and help us make an even bigger impact faster.
Delivering joy: One goat, chicken and alpaca at a time
Read a few stories of how the lives of children and families change when they receive animals — like goats, chickens, and alpacas — through the World Vision Gift Catalog. We hope these animal tales will warm your Thanksgiving.
How to create a thriving home wherever you are and worldwide
No matter where you live in the world, there’s always something special about coming home. In this guest post from home and organization blogger Abby Lawson, she shares what she learned about the meaning of “home” while visiting Ecuador and experiencing World Vision’s new invitation to child sponsorship, Chosen.
Coronavirus response: Supporting at-risk children
World Vision’s experience responding to disease outbreaks began in the early 2000s with the HIV and AIDS crisis in Africa. We’ve learned that infectious diseases like these put children at risk, even when they don’t get ill themselves. As COVID-19 has spread, children and families are facing new challenges: scarce food and healthcare resources, barriers to education, and lost income. That’s why supporting children impacted by the secondary effects of the pandemic is one of four key objectives of our coronavirus response.
Life frames: Our favorite photos of 2019
World Vision’s photographers traveled around the world this year to tell stories of children and their families. They captured moments of struggle and moments of joy. Here are their favorite photos of 2019 and the stories behind them.
Cooking for Bruno: A holiday recipe for the boy who chose me
What holiday traditions does your family have around a meal? Consider adding a recipe that gives back this year! Check out a recipe suggestion that was inspired by a boy in Ecuador who chose his sponsor this fall.