News & Stories


From the Field

In the kitchen: Honduran pupusas

Pupusas — thick, grilled flatbreads usually stuffed with cheese, beans, or pork — are a staple in Central America. The dish originated in El Salvador and western Honduras. They’re similar to Mexican gorditas and Venezuelan arepas. A few simple ingredients combine to create a flavorful meal.

From the Field

5 worst spots for hunger

Around the world, as many as 811 million people regularly go to bed hungry. Learn where the 5 worst places are in the world for hunger, what World Vision is doing, and how you can help hungry children and families in need.

From the Field

12 reasons to have hope in 2022

While progress on ending global poverty and boosting development has slowed or stalled because of the pandemic, we still have many reasons to be hopeful. As we see progress in clean water, mother and child health, advocacy work, and more, we can trust that our sovereign God hasn’t stopped working. Read evidences of God’s mercy to His people with these 12 reasons to have hope in 2022.

From the Field

10 of the worst disasters in 2021

In 2021, World Vision responded to 72 disasters in 52 countries, helping more than 30.1 million people in crisis — in addition to our ongoing global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about some of the worst disasters of 2021.

Special Features

Called by God: The Every Last One campaign

In late 2015, World Vision launched Every Last One (ELO) — a $1 billion capital campaign over eight years to make life, hope, and a future possible for 60 million people. Explore the work that has already been done, and help us make an even bigger impact faster.