Starting in 1950 with the Korean War, World Vision has responded to the most urgent disasters and humanitarian crises around the world, providing immediate aid.
News & Stories
Q&A: Hope at home in Honduras
In today’s Q&A, Matt Stephens — our senior adviser for child protection — answers the question of why children from Central America are leaving home and explores how World Vision is working to address the root causes of this crisis by promoting hope at home.
2013 life frames: Storytelling from World Vision photographers
World Vision’s award-winning photographers travel around the world every year, capturing moments of God’s grace and faithfulness as we follow Jesus’ example to show unconditional love to the poor and oppressed. They bring back stories that inspire us to action and compassion.
A glimpse of God’s kingdom
World Vision U.S. President Rich Stearns discusses how a father’s life is tranformed when he embraces the Great Commission and puts his faith in action.
The software of child sponsorship
World Vision U.S. President Rich Stearns reflects on the hardware and software of child sponsorship that make World Vision’s work sustainable.
Selvin at their service: Honduran boy helps improve community health
Traditionally the hard work of a community has been left to adults. But in western Honduras, one boy isn’t waiting to grow up to serve his community. At age 12, Selvin Garcia, a World Vision sponsored child, has seen more than his share of hardships, yet he is taking a leading role in bringing health and progress to his community.
A father’s story of redemption, new life because of his faith
In Honduras, a father of eight finds a new perspective and new faith when he feels Christ speaking to him through the World Vision staff in his community.