News & Stories


From the Field

Life frames: Our favorite photos of 2018

World Vision’s photographers traveled around the world this year to tell stories of children and their families. They captured moments of struggle and moments of joy. Here are their favorite photos of 2018 and the stories behind them.


Let’s end FGM: How to fundraise for your passion on Facebook

A school in Kenya is helping protect young girls from FGM and child marriage. This cause is a passion for blogger Breegan Jane, who recently met at-risk girls and calls them “some of the bravest I’ve ever encountered.” See how Breegan is fundraising to protect, educate, and empower more girls — and how you can too!


Food crisis in Kenya: 5 signs of hunger I’ve never seen

The East Africa food crisis is monstrous: affecting 25 million people and showing up in ways our writer and photographer team have never before seen. Today, our writer — Kari Costanza — gives you a first-hand snapshot of five ways that hunger is changing the lives of people in Turkana, Kenya.