News & Stories

Latin America/Caribbean

Special Features

Fighting gangs’ consuming fire

AUG. 1, 2012, EL SALVADOR — Gang warfare and high murder rates make El Salvador a perilous place to live. World Vision’s community development and child sponsorship programs not only provide a way out of poverty; They also promote youth-focused community programs that keep kids from being drawn into the red-hot cycle of violence.


Human trafficking: Consequences of congressional inaction

Jessica Bousquette traveled to the Dominican Republic to research how the U.S. government could continue to partner with the Dominican government to address modern-day slavery. She felt overwhelming thankfulness for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), the largest piece of human rights legislation to ever pass Congress.


The fatherless epidemic

The fatherless epidemic in Bolivia can’t be fixed overnight. But World Vision is working toward change — through education, counseling, and much more. Blogger Matthew Paul Turner shares an experience from his visit to Bolivia.

Special Features

Hunger 101

FEB 1, 2012 — Who’s hungry? Around the world, 925 million people — more than the populations of North America and South America combined — go hungry on a daily basis. Here are a few fast facts to help you grasp the severity of the problem.


Bolivia in 100 words

I can barely begin to describe Bolivia in 100 words — the beauty and the warmth of its people. But still, I hope this will give you an idea.


Disaster response in hot spots around the world

Today we’re providing you with a quick snapshot of what’s happening in five hot spots around the globe — where your generous support is helping people cope with and recover from disasters and crisis situations.


Celebrating Easter in Colombia

Celebrating Easter, including its preparation, is distinct to each culture and religious tradition. Candelaria, a World Vision community volunteer, and her daughters Martha and Mara describe how their family prepares and celebrates Easter according to Catholic tradition in Colombia.